3rd Street Light Rail, SF, CA 1998-2007
Worked with SF Art Commission as 3rd Street Light Rail Team member to design the Light Rail Platform at 3rd and Palou. Specific duties included the overall concept for 3rd and Palou station Afro Centric theme. The platform abstracted elements of Yoruba Religion and a Secret Leopard Society in Nigeria that practiced a form of communication combining theatre mine and written symbols to communicate as defined by Robert F. Thompson in his book African Art in Motion. Other traditional symbols such as cowrie shells (currency) point to the Central Business District of the platform location in Hunters Point in addition to it's ceremonal function within Yoruba Religion in conjunction with the Divination Tray. The Shadow Caster above platform is derived from "kente" cloth designs while the Marquee Sculpture is based on a pestle used by the Zulu Nation of South Africa and acts a a metaphor for a community at work, constantly grinding.